I don’t wish for much more than for the ability to express

Thoughts that need to be addressed

Sometimes it’s my fear, others it’s my self-detesting


Over insecurities

Regressing to who I used to be

But then seeing

And feeling how fake it feels

To relive past truths

Half truths

The bathroom’s still bleeding red

From the last time you assumed your soul was feeling dead

Are you feeling dead?

Like instead of life you’d choose death instead

But then your head

Insists to be fed

On emotions and what has been said

It was your mind that led

You to shore

To pour your heart out to sea and lord

Maybe for once there won’t be everything left to fear anymore


Those thoughts they say

But you’d know if you’ve walked down this lane before

It’s not a switch that says play or quit

Though you find with life you’d always hit quit

Quitting is more befitting

Than admitting whenever you’re walking, talking, sitting

It’s hitting the walls in your psyche

The walls you set up when it wouldn’t keep behind the lines

And it doesn’t help that it along with your thoughts dance in time

Creating an emotional storm of the perfect kind

Before setting a table for two when it was meant for nine

They create too much space

Between your mind and your face

Words are misplaced

And become erased by the time you make

The conscious effort to break

The walls that kept you so safe

To find that they

Didn’t want to listen anyway

The title is taken from “Forest” by twenty one pilots.